The TEFL Show Podcasts

All The TEFL Show podcasts have now been moved to a brand new website: If you’d like to follow the latest episodes please visit the new website. You can also find the podcasts on Soundcloud, iTunes, TuneIn Radio and Stitcher. Just type in The TEFL Show. You will be able to subscribe to the show there, download the podcasts to listen to later and share them on social media.

Below, are the links to the individual podcasts that were originally published on this blog. This list will not be updated any more, so for the latest episodes, either visit the new website here, or one of the music services.

  1. Why do some people learn languages faster than others?
  2. Active or Passive language learning?
  3. Which language model should we teach?
  4. Classroom practices: too much or not enough?
  5. Should Native Speakers take language proficiency tests?
  6. I don’t have talent’ and other language learning myths.
  7. ELT Methods and Approaches – the emperor’s new clothes
  8. Chinese and Western education systems: two sides of the same coin?
  9. Teaching writing: product, process, or both?
  10. Working conditions in ELT

The podcast music theme is under Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 International License and was downloaded from this website.

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